The Rocking Amigos Spotify Playlist

While you're waiting for the new Titanosaur single, "Deceiver" (coming out 9/25), head on over to Spotify and check out this playlist I put together!It's a slamming Spotify playlist showcasing some band friends that I've met through Twitter and Instagram. It's a Hard Rock, Stoner Rock, Punk Rock playlist that includes bands like Slumlord Radio, Mount Hush, New York rockers Demon Scar and Green Hog, and, of course, some Titanosaur. Great stuff...

Practicing has begun!

After our tour around Mars and Venus, we took a little break, and then began recording the new album.... then The 'Rona hit! Now we're about 2 months away from release of the new album and we're gonna have to start playing live again! So, got to start practicing! We'll be posting up more play throughs of songs, so keep your eye on our Instagram page.

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