So – What’s Your Pleasure?

“I’m Still Here” was an announcement that Titanosaur is still alive and kicking…. then , just to emphasize the point – out comes “What’s Your Pleasure”!

The lyrics for “What’s Your Pleasure” were written after watching the Hulu version (reboot?) of Hellraiser (very disappointing). And the music was actually kicking around for a few years, I just never had lyrics that fit, until now. To add fantastically flavored icing, Kazuki Hiratani added a wailing guitar solo.

I was lucky to have found Kazuki. He makes some really great music, you should definitely check him out. I did the vocals for a song of his “Burning Bridges” that he released under the name Cult Wizard. I’ve also contributed vocals to another of his songs that’s currently in the works.

Bandcamp has an EXCLUSIVE version of “What’s Your Pleasure” – a 2 song single. “What’s Your Pleasure” backed with a heavy metal thrasher, “Beware”. The two songs complement each other and make for a great head banging time.

Not only is everyone loving the song so far, Bandcamp even had the release on their Stoner Metal page as New And Noteworthy.

“…riffs that kick you like a steel-toed boot, the melodic, spacy drone in the background, the fried-out baritone yelling things at you that you can actually understand.

Count Snackula

So, go take a listen and let me know what ya’ll think! Just find me on the inter webs @titanosaurrocks is the handle on all social media platforms.

Please leave your love praise and appreciation here!