The Spaces Between Bandcamp Fridays

Today is Bandcamp Friday. The holiest of holy days for indie bands, when Bandcamp gives 100% of the sales to the bands, instead of taking their cut. To celebrate October's Bandcamp Friday, I put together a limited edition shirt with the artwork from "Escape Velocity (2022)". Only 10 shirts available, a few XL, some L, some M and one Small... I think... something like that.Get it before it's gone! And, hey... new music too! What?! Yup. A new...

Inti Wañu – July 2021

"This is an exciting EP. A killer showcase of what Titanosaur have to offer. The Final Score - 9/10" - Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Live "It is the soundtrack of the last days of Incan rule over Latin America facing the culture's doom brought by the 'Super Colossal Spanish Queen'."MangoWave Reviews I am 1st generation United States... ian... My family comes from Ecuador (tiny people)- the land of active volcanos. Specifically,...

First Single – Deceiver

I told ya I was working on new music! So, new album will be coming out in November, 2020! 13 tracks of Heavy Music goodness that I'm calling The Noise. First single is "Deceiver" coming out Friday 9/25 on all of your favorite streaming services, and on many online Metal stations and shows. Along with the new music will be an actual honest to goodness music video! Working on that one as I write. The artwork for the single is here, and I'll be...

Forthcoming Loudness

As some of you might be aware, February brings February Album Writing Month. The shortest month of the year, wherein many of us around the world get together online to create at least 14 songs during the shortest month of the year. It is during this flurry that Eat Me was created. And, 2 years later... or is it 1 year? It's all a BLUR!!! I've got MORE FOR YOU CARNIVOROUS FREAKS! Yes... you. I've spent the year traveling through the galaxy,...

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