"I'm Still Here" was an announcement that Titanosaur is still alive and kicking.... then , just to emphasize the point - out comes "What's Your Pleasure"! The lyrics for "What's Your Pleasure" were written after watching the Hulu version (reboot?) of Hellraiser (very disappointing). And the music was actually kicking around for a few years, I just never had lyrics that fit, until now. To add fantastically flavored icing, Kazuki Hiratani added a...
Yes! It's been a crazy four months since the release of No One Home back in December. I spent 5 weeks, between January and February, in the hospital under observation. I was only back for a week before we all got Covid (first time though), and I was back in the hospital for a few days. But, all of that didn't stop me from making more Titanosaur music! And, in my humble opinion, it keeps getting better! It was hard to choose how to make my...
New Titanosaur single, "I'm Still Here" announces the return of the heavy, as only Titanosaur can do! Mixing Punk, Doom, Sludge, Industrial and Stoner elements to create a unique sound. "I'm Still Here" will be premiered by Monster Riff on March 31st. Pre-Save/Pre-order at
If you follow Titanosaur on social media, then you already know that I spent about 5 weeks in the hospital, from January 11 - February 10th. This is due to my heart issues. For a bit, I was up there on the transplant list at level 1, but then they gave me an intravenous medication that helped my heart, and I went back down to level 6 and got sent home.... Not complaining there! I got home and was starting to get used to daily home life when we...