One of the problems with my health, is that I never fit into the average mold of symptoms. That is why, even though my ejection fraction is not extremely low, I am listed on the heart transplant list. This is why they can't keep me in the hospital indefinitely - because they can't find a reason to keep me there. I am basically healthy, except for my heart. So, I have to wait at home until l need to get my heart shocked back into rhythm.... 3...
The double single "Eater of Death" b/w "The Time is Now" has been released upon the world! Rejoice for the end times have arrived! I mean... yay... Seriously though, go check out the new music. As the Sleeping Village put it - " delivers sneering 'tude alongside an unmistakable brand of infectiously stompy riffage that practically demands a serious bout of headbanging." "Eater of Death" was originally written in February, 2022, to be released...
"This is an exciting EP. A killer showcase of what Titanosaur have to offer. The Final Score - 9/10" - Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Live "It is the soundtrack of the last days of Incan rule over Latin America facing the culture's doom brought by the 'Super Colossal Spanish Queen'."MangoWave Reviews I am 1st generation United States... ian... My family comes from Ecuador (tiny people)- the land of active volcanos. Specifically,...
It feels like just yesterday that the first single, "Deceiver", was released.... But, it was actually like 2 weeks ago! Okay, that's actually not that long ago. So what! Here comes another single and music video! "Messages" is the second single from the upcoming album. While "Deceiver" was a heavy groove track, "Messages" is a faster more rocking one. It's sure to get you all up and slamming! This is definitely one of my absolute favorite...